

1390 Windmill Lane, Ottawa, ON, K1B 4V5




These roses are an excellent choice for anyone who wants something special for their rose collection. These roses have an interesting petal formation and a strong fragrance. They are somewhat more hardy than hybrid teas but should still be protected over winter. Abraham Darby: peachy pink Guy de Maupassant: pink Toulouse Lautrec: lemon yellow Wenlock: deep scarlet Winchester Cathedral: pure white


These roses are spectacular for covering fences, walls, gazebos, etc. They do need to be protected over winter. Some of the canes may need to be trained, but they are productive for more than two seasons and often become thick and woody. Blaze: medium red Climbing Chrysler Imperial: dark red Golden Showers: yellow New Dawn: light pink Peace: yellow with a pink edge White Dawn: white

Floribunda n

Floribundas are distinguished from hybrid teas because they bear their flowers in large, dense clusters with many blooms opening simultaneously. They tend to be more vigorous and tolerant than hybrid teas but they still need to be protected as much over winter Amber Queen: apricot gold Angel Face: lavender blush Circus: yellow/pink & peach Garnette: red Iceberg: white Singing in the Rain: apricot Sunsprite: yellow

Flower Carpet

These roses are popular because of their hardiness and disease resistance. They are low growing, like a ground cover and flower from summer to late fall. Ideal for slopes or mass plantings. Available in seven colours, pink, white, appleblossom, red, scarlet, yellow, and coral


Grandiflora roses are similar to Hybrid Teas but the flowers will be larger or produced in clusters on long stems. The flowers are typically high centred and fragrant and can be used as cut flowers. They are constantly in bloom. They will need to be protected over winter as much as the Hybrid Teas. Aquarius: soft pale pink Crimson Bouquet: bright red Gold Medal: coppery yellow Love: white inside, red outside Pink Parfait: pink/salmon/apricot Sundowner: golden apricot

Hybrid Tear

These roses are very popular and have gorgeous flowers in the classic cut flower formation. Hybrid Tea roses are cultivars bred to produce large double flowers, singly, or in small groups. They are not very hardy and need to be heavily protected over winter. Anastasia: white Christian Dior: clear red Esmerelda: medium pink Garden Party: blush pink Honor: white Midas Touch: golden

Miniature c

These roses are hardy own root miniatures and are ideal as a border. Most grow under 60cm and are ideal for small spaces. They should be winter protected but are a lot hardier than the Hybrid tea type roses. Beauty Secret: cherry red Janna: pink Starina: coral pink Sun Sprinkles: yellow Tootie: double pink


This rose group consists of a variety of different types of roses. Shrub roses are easy to grow and generally are very hardy. They can be either compact or large and usually have thorny stems. The newer varieties have good disease resistance. This group includes the Explorer, Parkland, and Rugosa series of roses. Explorer roses were developed by Agriculture Canada to withstand longer winters and colder climates. They have long lasting blooms that repeat throughout the season. Alexander McKenzie: magenta Champlain: red David Thompson: pink Henry Hudson: white J.P. Connell: yellow Parkland roses are as own root hardy as the Explorer series and are very good growers in our climate. This group includes the Morden and Pavement series. Adelaide Hoodless: red Golden Wings: yellow Morden Blush: light pink Morden Sunrise: yellow w/ orange Purple Pavement: purple Rugosa roses are more vigorous in northern, cooler climates. They are the most thorny, fragrant, and disease resistant category of roses. Most will bear red rose hips for winter display. Blanc de Coubert: white Hansa: reddish violet Hunter: red Theresa Bugnet: pink Topaz Jewel: yellow


Roses are easy to plant, and when doing so you should ensure that the hole is twice as large around as the pot, and about 50% deeper than the pot. Add bone meal to the bottom of the hole and some fresh soil mix comprised of black earth, peat moss, and compost. Ensure the roots are well spread and you plant the rose so that it is planted just at the crown where the branches all branch out. Add a little mulch around the rose as if to make a bowl that will help to keep the water within it’s boundaries. Be sure to water the newly planted rose with a transplanter fertilizer directly after planting it.