Peaches and Cream Corn Seeds | Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc. - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Peaches and Cream Corn Seeds | Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Regular price $3.49
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Sturdy 2 m (6) tall plants produce the ultimate in bi- coloured sweet corn. Up to 16 rows of mouth watering, tender, juicy kernels fill the beautifully shaped 18 cm (7") long ears. This is an excellent variety for home gardeners and commercial growers.


6 seeds/gram

Best grown in a sunny, wind sheltered site with a well drained soil and soil pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Sow seed after all danger of frost is past and the soil has warmed –planting any sooner delays germination increasing the risk of damage or destruction by insects or rot before sprouting Sow seed in rows 10-15 cm (4-6") apart, thin to 30 cm (12") apart with the rows 90 cm (36") apart. To ensure proper pollination, plant at least 3 to 4 rows. Plant 250 g (1/2lb) to a 30 m (100') row; 4.5-6.8 kg (10-15 lbs) per acre. Work in a vegetable fertilizer at planting. Keep weeds under control. Irrigate frequently through the season. Sufficient water is particularly important at flowering and when the cobs begin to fill. Cobs are ready for harvesting when the ‘silks’ turn dark brown. To check for optimum maturity, gently peel back a section of the husk and press your thumbnail into a kernel. If the liquid is a milky colour, the corn is ready. If clear, the corn is immature.
Sowing Temperature Guidelines

Sow only when soils have warmed to 18C. Some years this happens in mid May, other years we need to wait until late May or early June.
Days to Emergence: 10
Light: Full Sun
Growth Habit: Sturdy
Height: Tall (> 70 cm)
Frost Tolerance: Frost Tender
Days to Harvest: 70

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